All of us a Premier Property Management value our relationship with our tenants. Before beginning the application process please reference the screening criteria. It is important that when you apply that you supply our office with all the needed documents that will allow us to expedite your process.
Typically you can except the application process to take 24 to 72 hours depending on the length of time it will take for your reference and employment to supply us the information needed.
At the time of applying you will need to pay your application fee of $55.00 and supply a valid photo Identification.
Applicants are encourage to apply on-line to help expedite the process. During the online application process please be prepared to supply all requested information including a Photo Id. If you do not able to scan and attach your Id, you will be required to submit a copy to our office either in person, by fax or mail.
Our mailing address is : 697 Country Club Road, Eugene, OR 97401